Ceres Highland Games Sponsors & Supporters
The Ceres Highland Games would not be possible without the generous sponsors and friends who have helped, over the years, make the games a great community event. We would like to thank the following sponsors for their ongoing support of the Ceres Highland Games. If you would like to join us and help maintain the Games for future generations, see the sections on Advertising or Corporate Sponsorship further down this page to find out how.
Major Grant Supporters of the Ceres Highland Games
The Callange Trust
Coaltown of Callange,
Cupar, KY15 5LD
Major Sponsors of the Ceres Highland Games

The Painted Kitchen
Teasses Mill, Ceres, Fife KY15 5PR
Tel: 01334 753 750
Email: info@thepaintedkitchencupar.com
Platinum Sponsors of the Ceres Highland Games
Little Beehive Nursuries
56a Crossgate Tannage Close
Cupar, KY15 5HS
Tel: 01334 656 656
Gold Sponsors of the Ceres Highland Games
Robertson & Smart (Builders) Ltd
St. Andrews Rd, Ceres, Cupar
Fife, KY15 5NQ
Tel: 01334 828395
Wigwam® Holidays - Montrave Estate
Montrave Estate
Tel: +447966262363
Teasses Estate
Teasses Estate,
Ceres, Fife KY8 5PG
Tel: 01334 828048
St Leonards School
St Andrews
Fife, KY16 9QJ
Tel: 01334 472126
Championship Sponsors of the Ceres Highland Games
1600 Metres Cycling Championship
Kilmany Horticultural Services
Tel: 07986 155 014
Email: roddyjmcintosh@gmail.com
56lb Throwing the Weight for Height
Premier Stays, Fife
Stewart Resort,
St Andrews, KY16 8PE
Tel: 01334 209202
Key Event/Feature Sponsors of the Ceres Highland Games
Non-Championship Cycling Events
JBW Smith
Haymount Works, Westport
Cupar, Fife, KY15 4AW
Tel 01334 654918
Tel: 01334 654918
Email: enquiries@jbwsmith.com
Heavies - Ceres Stane

Eden Valley Business Park,
East Road, Cupar,
KY15 4RB
Tel: 01334 243333
Heavies - Shotputt
49 Bonnygate
KY15 4BY
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1334 652285
Email: cupar@thorntons-law.co.uk
Heavies - 56lb weight for distance

R B Grant
St Andrews: 01334 850382
Kirkcaldy: 01592 654553
Email: info@rbgrant.co.uk
Heavies - Ceres Caber

Ridland Wealth Management
90a George Street
Edinburgh, EH2 3DF
Tel: 0131 560 1065
Solo Piping /
Car Treasure Hunt

St Andrews Wine Co
16 Bell Street,
St Andrews, Fife, Scotland, KY16 9UX
Tel: +44 (0)1334 479790
Scottish Backhold Wrestling
Eden Osteopaths
Westport Business Centre
1 Old School Road
Cupar, Fife KY15 4EZ
Phone: 07809 543 811
Email: katrine@eden-osteopaths.co.uk
Traffic Management / Field Management
T&N Gilmartin Contractors Ltd
Mont-View House
Hangmans Lane, Cupar, Fife
KY15 4PG
Tel: 01334 655 512
Programme Advertising
Do you own a local business and would like to advertise in our Programme sold to visitors during Games Day?
This year we will be publishing our usual A5 programme, based on a programme issued many years ago but still packed with interesting articles about the Ceres Highland Games and information about the local area.
Prices for an advertisment in the programme are: |
Option | Price | |
Half Page Advert (A6 Landscape size) |
£35 | |
Full Page Advert (A5 Portrait size) |
£55 | |
If you feel you could assist the Games further, see our Corporate Sponsorship section below for more options or please contact treasurer@ceresgames.co.uk for more information.
Corporate Sponsorship
Are you a large local or national brand with local interests that feels a link with the oldest free Highland Games in Scotland could be benefitial to your corporate presence in the market?
As well as a full colour programme packed with interesting articles about the Ceres Highland Games and information about the local area, the Games maintains a website that has hundreds of hits a month from all over the world, growing to thousands as Gamesday approaches.
Whilst we realise not all companies can stretch to full blown sponsorship, we have introduced various levels to allow all businesses in the local area and beyond to be a part of the games celebrations and hopefully receive extra custom from it.
Sponsorship levels are: | |||
Option | Price | ||
Half Page Advert (A6 Landscape size) |
£35 |
Full Page Advert (A5 Portrait size) |
£55 |
Key Event/Feature sponsor: |
£150 |
Gold sponsor: |
£250 |
Platinum sponsor: |
£300 |
Championship sponsor: |
£500 |
Programme sponsor: |
£500 |
Track/Arena sponsor: |
£1000 |
Main sponsor: |
£TBC |