2025 Events, Timings & Locations will be announced as soon as they are finalised.
Sat 8th June 2024
12.00 - Junior 5 A-side Football Competition
(Bow Butts)
Sun 9th June 2024
12.00 - Senior 5 A-side Football Competition
(Bow Butts)
Mon 24th June 24
19.00 - Car Treasure Hunt
£10 per car.
Meet at the Church car park.
Sponsored by St Andrews Wine Co.
Tue 25th June 24
18:30 - Craft Night.
Get you Raft ready for the Raft Race!
Small Hall
Wed 26th June 24
18:30 - Junior Treasure Walk.
Meet Anstruther Road play park
19:00 - Bingo
Venue - TBD
Thur 27th June 24
18:30 - The Ceres Raft Races.
Primary/Senior/Adult races. £2 per raft
Bow Butts.
19:30 - Domino Competition.
Ceres Inn
Fri 28th June 24
20.00 - Quiz Night
£15 per team. (Max 6 players in a team)
Ceres Inn Beer Garden
12.45 Procession through the village with the City of St Andrews Pipe Band.
Tullis Russel Mills Band will discourse music during the afternoon.
Non-Championship Cycling Sponsored by
12.30 Local Events
Boys/Girls Races (Under 6, 8 and 10 years of age)
13.00 Official Opening of the Games by our Chieftain
including The St Andrews Pipe Band.
13.20 800 Metres Cycle Heats
13.30 90 Metres Heats (Youths)
13.35 90 Metres Heats
13.40 800 Metres Cycle Final
13.45 90 Metres Final (Youths)
13.50 1600 Metres Cycle - RSHGA Championship Event sponsored by
14.15 800 Metres (Sheriff Forrester Memorial Race)
14.25 800 Metres Youths
14.35 90 Metres Final
14.40 1600 Metres
14.50 3000 Metres Cycle
15.00 200 Metres Heats
15.45 200 Metres Final
15.50 3000 Metres
16.05 De'il take the Hindmost Cycle (Robert Kidd Cup)
11.00 - 16.30 Highland Dancing
Sponsored by
11.00 - 16.30 Wrestling
Sponsored by
11.00 - 16.30 Individual Piping (Enter on the day)
Sponsored by
15.00 - 15.20 City of St Andrews Pipe Band.
16.30 Prize Giving: RSHGA Cycling 1600m Championship;
Robert Kidd Cup and
Solo Piping Quaich
17.00 Closing Ceremony - City of St Andrews Pipe Band.
Registration up on the day, 1130 - 1200.
Must be RSHGA registered.
For information email: heaviesconvener@ceresgames.co.uk
12.10 Shotputt (Women & Juniors)
12.40 Shotputt
Sponsored by
12.40 Weight for Height (Women & Juniors)
13.20 56lb Throwing the Weight for Distance
Sponsored by
13.20 Wheat Sheaf Pitch (Women & Juniors)
14.00 56lb Throwing the Weight for Height
RSHGA Championship Event sponsored by
14.00 Weight for Distance (Women & Juniors)
14.40 Ceres Stane (Women & Juniors)
14.40 Wheat Sheaf Pitch
Sponsored by
15.20 Ceres Stane
Sponsored by
15.50 The Ceres Caber (for distance)
Sponsored by
16.30 Open Caber Toss (for accuracy) (inc. Women & Juniors)
Sponsored by